We can show you how to harness the full potential of Google Workspace, an intuitive set of applications that are not only easy to set up but simple to work with. Find out more…
Much like a safe that is built to be opened, a Wordpress website (indeed any website) is vulnerable to attack because it is built to be accessed. However, there are ways that you can prevent malware from being installed on your Wordpress website. Read on to find out more…
When visiting clients at their place of work, we often find that they have suspect software on their computers. It can be an extra toolbar, a “useful app” or annoying pop ups. They may seem innocent enough but what are they doing in the background? Find out more…
Many businesses that we talk with about online marketing have best intentions when it comes to email marketing. However, if you can’t get enough subscribers, it can all fall apart as the value of writing newsletters is lessened if no one is reading them! Justify all the effort you put into providing information to your current and prospective customers by making sure that you newsletters are reaching as many people as possible! Read on to find out how…
Making your website accessible to as many people as possible isn’t just a good idea for the end user. It’s an aspiration to include as many people as possible and also serves to tell Google that you are making an effort to build content on your website to the highest of standards… that deserves high rankings!
Marketing a small tourism business online can be confusing and intimidating. Budgets can be small and time limited, so make sure that you get the best bang for your buck by being prepared!
Most businesses don’t run Google Ads campaigns. But the potential for new business is huge! Did you realise that more people click on the paid adverts on Google than they do on the natural results? Read more and find out why you should use Google Ads.
Many people running online shops have never heard of PCI DSS but are legally obliged to follow the security standards that it sets and are liable to be hit with significant penalties if their poor security breaches these exacting standards.
There is no need to be intimidated by the process of getting your own web site. You will have an ongoing relationship with your web designers, so make sure that they can explain to you in simple terms the answers to the questions you ask.
How long does it take for an SEO strategy to work? How quickly are results seen from SEO changes, and how do you know when to stop, or change direction? There is no single answer. Search engines are purposefully hard to decrypt. Long term is key to success with SEO.
With the rise of social media, email marketing has fallen by the wayside somewhat. The huge numbers of people on platforms such as facebook are alluring but are they effective for marketing? Has email done it’s dash or is it an undiscovered gold mine?
Page rankings have been the king of website performance for many years. Is this still true? Are there better performance indicators for a website than page rankings alone? If so, what are they and how to develop a web strategy that doesn’t rely entirely on page rankings?
If you use Facebook, you will see “memes” every day without even thinking about them. Those pictures with a comment that give you a chuckle about something that is immediately recognisable are memes. They are a way to spread concepts […]
If Google believes that you have misspelled your search query, it will show you the search results for what it thought you meant to type. Learn about Google search and SEO techniques that you can use to boost your websites ratings.
If you’re sending out email marketing, how do you know that it’s working as it should? Can your promotions be easily read on a smartphone or other mobile device. What’s the best way to send out newsleters so they work on every screen? Read on to find out more…
Viral content is the ultimate word of mouth internet marketing. Is it really that hard to do, or is there a “secret” to making something go viral that you can use to your advantage? Find out how to make it happen!
If you follow Google news at all, the phrase “AMP Project” may have got your attention at some point in the last few months. What on earth is it, and how can it help?
Does it annoy you having to prove that you are not a robot, time and time again? Well what if you knew that you were doing it to protect your own interests and at the same time helping to digitalise classic books, refine maps and seek Artificial Intelligence solutions?
Your website might look great but is it too slow to rank well? Google are putting more and more emphasis on ranking pages higher if they are fast, responsive and easy to use. Don’t be left behind!
There is no getting away from reviews, but how can you deal with negative reviews and try to turn bad reviews into a positive piece of content? Dealing with bad reviews is much easier than you may think!
Many business owners eventually hire a Personal Assistant. There are so many tasks to complete in any given day and having someone to help you can free up more time, get more done and alleviate at least a marginal amount of stress!
When redesigning a website, it is important to consider the website structure of the old web pages to ensure that the website doesn’t lose rank on Google after it is relaunched. When we redesigned the Bay of Islands Travel Guide, we had to make sure that this wasn’t a problem.
Lead generation can cost hundreds of dollars, but there is a new tool; LinkedIn. Creating and nurturing good quality leads is pivotal to success. The higher the value of a product or service, the more important, and more costly, that nurturing good leads becomes.
The issue of abandoned carts is increasing. Why? What are the reasons behind the increase in abandoned carts and what does it mean for abandoned cart solutions? Studies have shown that the way carts are being used is changing, and so is best practice for preventing lost sales.