Website Beginners Help - Page 2

energise website success

Graphic Design vs Content – What’s more important?

Finding a balance between engaging content and eye-catching design may seem an impossible task, particularly if you tend to favour one over the other.

energise google reviews

How important are Google Reviews?

Google is the first point of contact a potential customer has with your business. Google Reviews are what help them to choose your business over another.

Do I need a copywriter

Do I really need a Copywriter?

There are simple ways to identify a good copywriter and ensure the important parts of your business jump off of the page. This post will look at the reasons why you need a copywriter and how to find a good match for your business.

marketing online shopping websites

A guide to building your online shopping business

Building an online business can be a minefield; it certainly isn’t a case of create a site and relax. What must a new online business do to achieve success? In a busy marketplace, new online businesses must stand out, create loyalty and constantly evolve.

G Suite

Benefits of Using Google Workspace

We can show you how to harness the full potential of Google Workspace, an intuitive set of applications that are not only easy to set up but simple to work with. Find out more…

website malware protection

Protecting your WordPress Website from Malware Attacks

Much like a safe that is built to be opened, a Wordpress website (indeed any website) is vulnerable to attack because it is built to be accessed. However, there are ways that you can prevent malware from being installed on your Wordpress website. Read on to find out more…

newsletter subscriber numbers

8 Ways To Grow Your Newsletter Subscriber Numbers

Many businesses that we talk with about online marketing have best intentions when it comes to email marketing. However, if you can’t get enough subscribers, it can all fall apart as the value of writing newsletters is lessened if no one is reading them! Justify all the effort you put into providing information to your current and prospective customers by making sure that you newsletters are reaching as many people as possible! Read on to find out how…

Blind person using a computer

Web Accessibility for Vision Impaired Users

Making your website accessible to as many people as possible isn’t just a good idea for the end user. It’s an aspiration to include as many people as possible and also serves to tell Google that you are making an effort to build content on your website to the highest of standards… that deserves high rankings!

Jet boating near Queenstown

Marketing Small Tourism Businesses Online

Marketing a small tourism business online can be confusing and intimidating. Budgets can be small and time limited, so make sure that you get the best bang for your buck by being prepared!

profit from google adwords

Why you should use Google AdWords

Most businesses don’t run Google Ads campaigns. But the potential for new business is huge! Did you realise that more people click on the paid adverts on Google than they do on the natural results? Read more and find out why you should use Google Ads.

pcidss compliance

PCI DSS Compliance: Why you shouldn’t store half a credit card number

Many people running online shops have never heard of PCI DSS but are legally obliged to follow the security standards that it sets and are liable to be hit with significant penalties if their poor security breaches these exacting standards.

list of questions for web design quote

Questions to ask when getting quotes for web design

There is no need to be intimidated by the process of getting your own web site. You will have an ongoing relationship with your web designers, so make sure that they can explain to you in simple terms the answers to the questions you ask.

how long does seo take

How long does SEO take to work?

How long does it take for an SEO strategy to work? How quickly are results seen from SEO changes, and how do you know when to stop, or change direction? There is no single answer. Search engines are purposefully hard to decrypt. Long term is key to success with SEO.

page rankings

Are Page Rankings Still Important?

Page rankings have been the king of website performance for many years. Is this still true? Are there better performance indicators for a website than page rankings alone? If so, what are they and how to develop a web strategy that doesn’t rely entirely on page rankings?

Grumpy cat meme

Using Memes for Internet Marketing

If you use Facebook, you will see “memes” every day without even thinking about them. Those pictures with a comment that give you a chuckle about something that is immediately recognisable are memes. They are a way to spread concepts […]

mobile friendly newsletters

Make your Emails Mobile Friendly

If you’re sending out email marketing, how do you know that it’s working as it should? Can your promotions be easily read on a smartphone or other mobile device. What’s the best way to send out newsleters so they work on every screen? Read on to find out more…

google website speed

Is Your Website Too Slow For Google?

Your website might look great but is it too slow to rank well? Google are putting more and more emphasis on ranking pages higher if they are fast, responsive and easy to use. Don’t be left behind!

Angry woman giving bad Google review

Turn Bad Google Reviews into Good Publicity

There is no getting away from reviews, but how can you deal with negative reviews and try to turn bad reviews into a positive piece of content? Dealing with bad reviews is much easier than you may think!

Bay of Islands Travel Guide website design

Have your rankings dropped after redesigning your website?

When redesigning a website, it is important to consider the website structure of the old web pages to ensure that the website doesn’t lose rank on Google after it is relaunched. When we redesigned the Bay of Islands Travel Guide, we had to make sure that this wasn’t a problem.

mobile friendly newsletters

How LinkedIn Can Drive your Business

Lead generation can cost hundreds of dollars, but there is a new tool; LinkedIn. Creating and nurturing good quality leads is pivotal to success. The higher the value of a product or service, the more important, and more costly, that nurturing good leads becomes.

abandoned shopping cart

Shopping Cart Abandonment – How to Stop It

The issue of abandoned carts is increasing. Why? What are the reasons behind the increase in abandoned carts and what does it mean for abandoned cart solutions? Studies have shown that the way carts are being used is changing, and so is best practice for preventing lost sales.

engage website visitors smartphone

Engage Website Visitors In Under 30 Seconds

In a world of ever-screaming marketing noise, grabbing attention and holding it is incredibly hard. How can you possibly be heard above the general background noise of marketing? In creating a coherent, holistic marketing strategy, you can grab that attention in just 30 seconds.

how to convert website leads to sales

How to turn website leads into sales

Converting leads is the key to profitability. A slight increase in lead conversion can have huge increase in profitability. How can you make sure that time and money are not wasted pursuing poor quality leads, make sure that good quality leads are engaged and converted?

buyer personas

How Buyer Personas help your website

Buyer Personas are a vital way to streamline your content strategy, enabling you to really understand the buying cycle, the attractions and the pitfalls in your website and content design. A guide in how to use buying personas effectively to drive website content.


Google Reviews

4.9 51 reviews